Nairobi Global Shapers

Meet the Leader With Kennedy Odede

Dealing with Anger

Kennedy assures us that it was ok to be angry; what matters is how you channel this for a positive outcome. Every revolution, he says, stems from anger. He reminds us that it was anger that led the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela & Martin Luther King to start revolutions. He however clarifies that anger without action is useless and destructive. If we feel so bad about something in society around us, then we must do something to make it better. Learn to create things when there’s nothing or support a like-minded person who already has a cause by joining forces to make the world a better place. You don’t always have to be the initiator; you can also drive another person’s vision.

Dealing with failure

Kennedy assures us that failure is part of life and that without it, success would not exist. He has devised a mechanism that works for him. He encourages us not to focus on the failure but believe in ourselves always focusing on the end product. He tells us that he never focuses on the proposals he sends out instead, he keeps the vision burning despite the outcome. This allows for brilliant surprises when the proposals go through.  It is important to keep your eyes focused on the positive track rather than letting rejected proposals slow and blur your vision. Kennedy further encourages us to analyze and reflect on each day celebrating the milestones while striving to work on the failures.


Kennedy hopes that the students from SHOFCO will one day run the organization. He however clarifies that he doesn’t have a particular student in mind preferring to have a pool of girls as opposed to nurturing just one. When leaders show favoritism, the mentee is in danger of sabotage from peers and overinflated sense of pride. It also demoralizes the rest of the mentees; causing them to lose their self-belief.

“Learn to create things when there’s nothing or support a like-minded person who already has a cause by joining forces to make the world a better place. You don’t always have to be the initiator; you can also drive another person’s vision.”

Raising capital locally and international

Kennedy encourages us to first have a work plan, as great ideas always attract the funds. He advises that one should identify a company/organization or a person who believes in them and their idea. This person/ organization can then give convincing references within their network. He insists that this only works when one has integrity. When people can trust you to deliver on your promises and if one is a reliable individual/entity. Let others talk about you to their networks; word of mouth is powerful!


Kennedy believes in acquiring talent that complements his skill sets. He insists that all leaders must focus on doing what they naturally excel in and learn to delegate the rest to experts in various fields without feeling threatened. He therefore empowers his team by giving them autonomy to carry out the tasks that they are gifted in to propel the SHOFCO vision forward. This entails setting up systems that ensure the organization is running efficiently and all members are clear about their role and are passionate enough to own their tasks to completion.

Top 5 Quick fire tips or Words to Ponder on

  1. Your past does not determine your future
  2. Learn to forgive; tolerate, forget and release
  3. Let go! You can’t do it all so trust until otherwise
  4. What principles and values drive you? What is your passion?
  5. What do you dream about? Be the change you want to see
  6. Darkness only means that the light will come; Someday it has to shine
  7. What do you have in your hands right now? Passion, talent, networks
  8. You cannot have it all – don’t get drunk with your vision it goes beyond you
  9. Who do you surround yourself with? Your company matters!

What do you fill your mind with? Hope, positivity, read, reflect, be exposed

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